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REVIEWS & AWARDS 2001-2000 ... and beyond
" Again, I am truly amazed to say the least. [The MC370] clearly beats the WBK38. Actually it OWNS the Globalwin competitor because even using a Y.S.Tech vs. the WBK's Delta it still comes out on top." Dec 2001
"Swiftech has done it again with yet another [MCXC370] exceptional heatsink" Dec 2001
..and for our readers from Finland, the MCXC370 copper base heatsink collects the Editor's choice - Dec 2001
"Für mich ist der MCXC 370 der ideale Kühler, da er Potential und Lautstärke gekonnt miteinander kombiniert und nicht nervend wird nach einem längeren Arbeitstag" Dec 2001
"There is no question that the MCXC370 is the very best high performance thermal solution on the market... At the moment, there is no substitute." Dec 2001
"The Die Simulator results ranks the MCXC370 second only to its big brother - the MCX462...Swiftech's MCXC370 is a quality heatsink with top rate performance and is very easy to install - worth serious consideration." Dec 2001
"Swiftech's unique mounting system is much safer then ordinary forced clips...I considered the performance of this [MCXC370 copper base] heatsink to be excellent" Dec 2001
"Both of these heatsinks [MCX462 and MCXC370] perform amazingly. The MCXC370 is almost in a different class to me. I consider it tied with the MCX-462 even though it ran about 5C hotter and that is because of the LOVELY clipping system and the very low noise fan. They come in a lot cheaper compared to the MCX-462’s " Dec 2001
"As you can see [..} the MCXC370 slips by the SK6 in both our idle and load temps by almost 2°C at idle and about 2.5°C while under load!" December 2001
"When you start to increase the voltage and overclock the processor to generate more heat you can see that MCXC370 does offer a more stable temperature..With major benefits of easy installation and a good stock fan performance the SWIFTECH MCXC370 should be on your shopping list.." November 2001
"When you start to increase the voltage and overclock the processor to generate more heat you can see that MCXC370 does offer a more stable temperature..With major benefits of easy installation and a good stock fan performance the SWIFTECH MCXC370 should be on your shopping list.." November 2001
"AthlonXP.com recommends the MCX370 among top cooling solutions for the new AMD XP processor". Oct. 2001
"The Swiftech MCX370 is without a doubt the best all-aluminum cooler on the market" Sept 2001
"To be honest with you, I've never seen anything of such quality, and neither have I seen so much attention given to improving [the MCX370] an already great model." sept 2001
"the MCX370 is one supreme cooler. The Pabst fan is a superb choice offering excellent performance without risking long term deafness" Sept. 2001
"The Swiftech MC-370 heatsink is a favorite here at the Penthouse Labs. This is because the sink seems to have been engineered for the more hardcore overclocker....The MCX's performance remains top shelf and the clipping mechanism absolutely rocks.. " Aug 2001
"Folks, we have a cooler that actually beat out the ThermalRight SK6. This is with a stock 33CFM fan and not the 38CFM Black Label Delta! " July 2001
"The Swiftech MCX370-0A has proven to be one of the best aluminum CPU coolers out there. It even matches the results we receive on some solid copper coolers! The stock fan also surprised me. The fan is no where near as loud as a 38cfm Delta but was only off by 1º Celsius. This is a big plus for those who don't like the high pitched scream of the Delta...I consider the Swiftech MCX370-0A to be the best Aluminum CPU cooler on the market today. I highly recommend this cooler for your overclocking needs!" July 13th, 2001
"The Swiftech MCX370-OA is an impressive all-aluminium cooler with some innovative features..If you're looking for a high performance cooler that's not horribly loud and isn't a pain to attach, the MCX370-OA is an excellent choice" July 2001
"the Swiftech MCX370-0A is a very good balance between noise and performance" July 2001
***********And the Article that Started it All!**********
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In a socket A review published by Tom's hardware, the MC370-0A wins!
"The costly produced Swiftech turned out to be the candidate with the best cooling performance. It gave us a low CPU temperature of 35 degrees. The class A fan from Pabst brings enough air flow which unfortunately leads to a lot of noise." Dec 2000
"We had the opportunity to talk with Swiftech headman Gabriel Rouchon, and almost immediately on speaking with him, one thing became perfectly clear. He, and the rest of the individuals at Swiftech are passionate about what they do. Swiftech was willing and eager to speak with us about future trends, the future of their products, the difficulties they’ve encountered, and how they were dealt with, and so on. Swiftech does not make false claims, or paint their products as something they’re not. They tell consumers exactly what to expect from a cooler, and they deliver. Excellent product aside, the above is reason enough for us to purchase from any company. The bottom line: a quality product from a quality company. We strongly encourage anyone interested in alternative cooling to give Swiftech a look." Sometimes in 2000
"My only complaint with the [MCX4000™] product was... I couldn't find any. Outstanding product and hats off to Swiftech" July 2000
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"The bottom line: while she may not look as intimidating as the original MC1000 and MC2000, the MC370 is still pretty darned effective. We congratulate Swiftech for making another fine product in their line of outstanding coolers." Jan 2000

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The MC1000 reviewed - 1999
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